MadPy Book Club

Come Learn with MadPy


MadPy has a book club! We are a group of folks who meet bi-weekly to talk through a book about programming or software development. This is a great way to learn about new things in the industry, fill in gaps in your knowledge, and talk with other developers.


We choose a book by voting in the #book-club Slack channel, and then we agree on a meeting format. Usually, this means breaking the book up into 6-7 chunks, and then we meet every other week to discuss each chunk.

We cover roughly 3 books per year, spending 3-4 months on each book.

What books do you read?

The book club has read books like Designing Data Intensive Applications and Crafting Interpreters, as well as exploring the new language Mojo.

The books are sometimes directly related to Python, and sometimes about broader concepts in software development or different technologies.

We try to have a good mix of hands on programming books and more conceptual books.

How can I get involved?

Join the #book-club channel on the Slack! We also will post to #general when we're starting a new book.